Thursday, October 17, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who Can Contribute to the TwoTwentyEight Blog?

Posting blog entries to the TwoTwentyEight blog is limited to a list of active contributors. Click here to see the current list of active contributors.

Who Can Post Comments on the TwoTwentyEight Blog?

Everyone is free to make comments on the TwoTwentyEight blog.

To offer comments on a specific blog entry, select the "Comments" link at the bottom right of the entry. This will navigate to the comments submission form.

Select the "Name/URL option from the select list.

Enter your name in the poup dialog box. (The URL is optional.)

Press the "Publish" button to post your comment.

While this blog will allow anonymous posts, we strongly prefer that you use your actual name when commenting.

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